Category Archives: Coaches Corner

Tips N Tricks: Planning to Attack Your Workout (feat. Coach Ben)

Each day we open Wodify and see what the METCON is for the day. Whether it is a long grinding Chipper, or Short Fast AMRAP, you need to have a plan going into that WOD.   Pacing is something that can make or break your performance. Pacing is made up of 2 parts work and […]

Tips N Tricks: Murph Prep (feat. Coach Audrey)

Hey guys! The long anticipated day is finally almost here! Post-Open, Murph is typically our next big event and workout to prepare and look forward to! I hope you have all done the best you can in coming to class, getting those extra sets of pushups in even when you don’t want to, and also […]

Tips N Tricks Tuesday: Unilateral Movements (Feat. Coach Brandy)

Hey guys! This week for TnT, we have Coach Brandy talking a little bit about unilateral movements in CrossFit and why we need to incorporate them more into our training sessions or accessory work before and after WODs!  If you are interested in learning more about unilateral movements to help you in your training, get […]

Tips N’ Tricks: Rowing Hacks (feat. Coach Patrick)

Hey guys! Its time for your weekly Tips N Tricks to help you improve on skills and movements in the gym! I know we do A LOT of rowing, especially during the winter months. But wouldn’t we all rather work SMARTER not HARDER when it comes to the rower? Check out this video on rowing […]

Tips N Tricks: It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (feat. Coach Andrea)

Excitement is in the air, and there’s a lot of chatter…it’s that time of year again! It’s time for the CrossFit Open! The worldwide competition among crossfitters of all fitness and skill levels begins in a few short weeks. One workout each week for five weeks. It’s you against the world…how awesome is that! The […]

Tips N’ Tricks: Hollow Holds (feat. Coach Tico)

Hey guys! This week we are diving into some gymnastics since we know it’s everyone’s favorite! Especially during The Open! 🙂 As we know, Gymnastics is an essential part of our development as CrossFit athletes. It can help improve coordination, balance, agility, accuracy, and flexibility! And YES, it can be for EVERYONE! Once we make some […]

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (Feat. Coach Andrea)

Excitement is in the air, and there’s a lot of chatter…it’s that time of year again! It’s time for the CrossFit Open! The worldwide competition among CrossFitters of all fitness and skill levels begins in a few short weeks. One workout each week for five weeks. It’s you against the world…how awesome is that! The […]

Benefits of A Training Partner – (feat. Coach JoAnna)

Have you ever had those days where you just don’t want to go to the gym? I will be the first to raise my hand. That was me yesterday. Everything in me just wanted to stay in bed for ten more minutes, but then I remembered something… I was not going to be training alone. […]

Recovery Tools for Training (feat. Coach Matt Starks)

Recovery is key for anyone doing any style of training from Crossfit to Sports Training. Active Recovery helps to loosen up, or release, stiff, short, or adhered muscle groups. It reduces scar tissue and adhesions which improves mobility/range of motion and quality of movements. There are many methods of active recovery that are easy to […]

Mobility (feat. Coach Missy)

Does your thruster look more like a Michael Jackson toe stand from Thriller? Then pop a deep squat and let’s talk about mobility. What is mobility, exactly? It’s defined as “the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.”   Don’t confuse mobility with flexibility or a warm-up. Mobility allows us to use our joints’ […]