Category Archives: Featured Athlete
Featured Member Friday: Ashley Johnson Hinton
Featured Member Friday: Jennifer Windhorst
Featured Member Friday: Mary Hughes
Featured Member Friday: Ashley Burrow
Featured Member Friday: Ben Allen
Featured Member Friday: Mindy Walker
Featured Member Friday: Troy Woody
Featured Member Friday: Jaime Deweese
Each week we ask one of our members why they started CrossFit 🙂 1. When did you start CrossFit? May 2016 2. Why did you start CrossFit? My why is more of a why not? I’d tried all other forms of exercise and found none I would stick with because I got bored with them […]
Featured Member Friday: Randy Duncan
Each week we ask one of our members why they started CrossFit 🙂 1. When did you start CrossFit? I started in late February. 2. Why did you start CrossFit? The reason why I started was to better myself and to make sure I was able to walk my daughter Gracie down the isle at […]