
Wellness Wednesday: Which Carb? This Carb?

  January 3, 2018

We all know them and love them. CARBS. We eat them everyday to fuel our bodies for our day and metcons. But even if you are tracking or watching the number of carbs you may be consuming, does that mean you are paying attention to the quality of your carbs? Not necessarily. Yes, most of us know there are good and bad carbs. But we don’t always consider that before we choose that sugary donut over that orange. With the new year upon us though, many of you are setting goals for the gym and also for your nutrition! Check out this great Nutrition brief from the Crossfit Journal where E.C. Synkowski explains what aspects to consider when choosing your daily carbs!


If you’d like to learn more do not hesitate to talk with one of the coaches and they will be glad to help you or point you in the right direction! Be on the lookout for our upcoming program, R2R Nutrition!

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