Category Archives: Mobility Monday
Mobility Monday with Rachel: The Lats
Hey y’all! We are back for another Mobility Monday with Rachel! Today we will be addressing the muscle group, the Lats. Most of us know WHERE our lats are, but we may not know what they do or how to activate them during different movements when they can help us tremendously. Watch this short video […]
Mobility Monday with Rachel: Internal Rotator of Shoulders
The Teres Major Muscle Do you see the WOD or strength portion on the board some days and just DREAD doing those movements overhead?! Pressing, Jerks, Snatches, Pull-up Bar work. Overhead squats are one movement in particular that can send some members running for the hills (or for Curls & Cream instead). But it doesn’t […]
Mobility Monday: Calf Muscles
Hey guys! We know we have been gone for a minute but we are BACK and ready to help educate y’all in all things MOBILITY on Mondays! We’ve got Rachel here to help us and give us some homework that we can ALL use to get our mobility ON POINT. This week we take a […]