Tag Archives: Fitness

Mobility Monday with Rachel: Tight Hip Flexors

Tips N Tricks: MedBall Cleans

Medball Cleans We are back with Logan for another Tips N Tricks! Medball or Wallball Cleans are a movement that we don’t do as often in the gym as we probably should, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important. Many CrossFit gyms require athletes to learn the medball clean before ever touching a barbell […]

Mobility Monday with Rachel: Internal Rotator of Shoulders

The Teres Major Muscle Do you see the WOD or strength portion on the board some days and just DREAD doing those movements overhead?! Pressing, Jerks, Snatches, Pull-up Bar work. Overhead squats are one movement in particular that can send some members running for the hills (or for Curls & Cream instead). But it doesn’t […]

Tips N Tricks: Double Unders

Double-unders is a skill that we see often in weekly workouts and especially in the Open. You know they are coming, so why not work towards either getting them NOW or doing them more efficiently?! Here are some mistakes we often make and some tips that we can implement to get better at this skill!  […]

Mobility Monday: Calf Muscles

Hey guys! We know we have been gone for a minute but we are BACK and ready to help educate y’all in all things MOBILITY on Mondays! We’ve got Rachel here to help us and give us some homework that we can ALL use to get our mobility ON POINT. This week we take a […]

Programming Overview: Week of June 18-23


Featured Member Friday: Steven Lugo

Tips N Tricks: Murph Prep (feat. Coach Audrey)

Hey guys! The long anticipated day is finally almost here! Post-Open, Murph is typically our next big event and workout to prepare and look forward to! I hope you have all done the best you can in coming to class, getting those extra sets of pushups in even when you don’t want to, and also […]

Wellness Wednesday: Breakfast Pizza

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So why not add one of our favorite types of food TO breakfast time?! And no, I’m not talking about leftover pizza from the cardboard box. This week, from the Kitchen of Paleo Nick, we have an AMAZING breakfast recipe that we […]

Tips N Tricks Tuesday: Unilateral Movements (Feat. Coach Brandy)

Hey guys! This week for TnT, we have Coach Brandy talking a little bit about unilateral movements in CrossFit and why we need to incorporate them more into our training sessions or accessory work before and after WODs!  If you are interested in learning more about unilateral movements to help you in your training, get […]