Category Archives: Coaches Corner

*Major Key Alert* The Key To Fitness (ft. Coach Jess)

Hello everyone.  We just finished our very first in-house competition and I’d like to take a moment or 2 and say thank you to everyone instrumental in putting the Throwdown together.   All the volunteers that worked in the heat and sweated as well as the competitors that worked so hard did an amazing job!!! It […]

Shoes, Shoes and More Shoes! (ft. Coach Sarah)

CrossFit Shoes! Many athletes ask the coaches what type of shoes they should have for CrossFitand I’ll break it down a little here. The significant difference between shoes is called the “drop” which is the different between the height of the heel and the height of the forefoot. Generally, very supportive running shoes, like Saucony […]

Rate of Perceived Exertion (ft. Coach Kyle)

WHAT IS CLEAN EATING? (ft. Coach Marissa)

WHAT IS CLEAN EATING? A Beginners Introduction “Eating clean” is the process of consuming foods that have a balanced nutritional profile and are made from all natural ingredients.  That means paying closer attention to the ingredients in your food and incorporating vegetables, fruits and whole grains, healthy proteins and fats into your meals. INGREDIENTS Good, […]

The Importance of Fat (ft. Coach Tico)

The Importance of Fat Have you ever wonder why seem to store fat in certain parts of our body? Have you ever thought of why females complain about their “fat” legs and guys always talk about their “beer gut”? How come we are all human (regardless of gender, race or culture) but we are still […]

Cell Phones… Advancements but Arthritis (ft. Coach Sarah)

  Your cell phone is aging your spine.   In a day and age where our technology is so rapidly advancing, our posture is becoming progressively decrepit. The average American spends countless hours each day typing, swiping, or tapping cell phone or tablet screens, sitting or standing slouched forward with rounded shoulders and angling their […]

What is Chiropractic?

What is Chiropractic? Dr. Sarah Fallon   The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord and this is truly the life inside of your body. The central nervous system is so important that you were given a skull to protect your brain and a spine to protect your spinal […]

Importance of the cool down (ft. Coach Tico)

Warm-ups are used to progressively prepare the body for activity, whereas a cool works in the opposite direction. The purpose of cooling down at the end of a WOD is to bring the body back down to a pre-exercise state. I’m sure a lot of you know this but how many of us (yes I […]

“Finessing Your Fitness” (ft. Coach Ben)

  Let’s take a moment and think about our fitness, as an analogy of your fitness to your outfit.   In CrossFit your fitness is based on a few foundational pieces, like a basic outfit.  The shoes are a crucial part of the outfit (the foundation) let’s say that is your strength. Pants, let’s say those […]

Programming Overview: Week of 10/30

Here’s what you can expect this week 🙂